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Marketable Manuscripts
Book Services from Ann Howard Creel
A Note from the author/editor:
Even in today's competitive market, I believe it is still possible for new authors to enter the business and succeed. With no writing background or connections, I was able to get eleven novels published. Of course it is impossible to predict what books will go under contract, but my goal with all of my clients is to make their book the best it can be in collaboration and also make it more marketable. Hence the name of my service is Marketable Manuscripts.
Please let me know what I can do for you.
Published Author
Ann Howard Creel has been a published author since 1999. Her books have won numerous awards, and The Magic of Ordinary Days was made into a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie for CBS.
Expertise in both Children's and Adult Literature
Ann's published works include middle-grade, young-adult, and adult novels. Lately she has been focused on adult historical fiction and feels she has extra qualifications in that area. For more about Ann's books, visit
Over Seventeen Years of Editing Experience
Ann has been editing through a network of other freelance editors, but is now offering services on her own, which lowers costs for her clients.
Sample of Books Edited

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